German Shepherd Dog Club of Canada Inc.
Canada's National Breed Club

Find your German Shepherd Dog
Adding a GSD to your family should be a well thought out process. Doing your research will ensure that your GSD is a great addition to the family. A well-bred and trained GSD is a loyal and loving family member who is a pleasure to own.
Start your Research here...
Is a German Shepherd Right for You?
Each breed of dog has its own specific set of physical and temperament characteristics, as well as aptitude that make them unique and usually reflect what they were originally bred to do. It is important that those new to the breed understand these characteristics in order to make the best informed decision on whether the German Shepherd Dog is the breed for you.
An Introduction to Health Issues in German Shepherds
As in all dogs and humans there are health issues that may arise during the lifetime of your GSD. Some are acquired others are genetic in nature. GSD puppies experience unique growth characteristics that are important for a first-time puppy buyer to know about and understand.

Puppy or Adult?
Before you adopt your first GSD, you should consider what age of dog would best fit in your home and suit your family's lifestyle.
Breeder Listing
The GSDCC Breeders' Directory and Information Source is provided by the GSDCC Inc. for breeders who are Members in good standing and to prospective Members and German Shepherd Dog owners.