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German Shepherd Dog Club of Canada Inc.
Canada's National Breed Club

Welcome to the GSDCC Inc.
Celebrating 100 Years 1922-2022
Dedicated to the preservation and betterment of the German Shepherd Dog.
The German Shepherd Dog is versatile, intelligent and loyal.
It is one of the most popular breeds of dog in the world today.
Promote and improve the ethical breeding of the German Shepherd Dog
Advance the interest and public image of the German Shepherd Dog
Support, encourage and assist Branch, Member and Regional Clubs
Hold conformation and performance events sanctioned by the Canadian Kennel Club
Publish literature in the interest of the German Shepherd Dog
Educate breeders, owners and the public
Learn how to choose your next German Shepherd Dog: health, temperament, and finding a breeder in your area.
Official CKC National Breed Club and your guide to the German Shepherd Dog
The German Shepherd Dog is an intelligent and versatile breed. It is quick and eager to learn.
The German Shepherd Dog is treasured as a working and service dog, companion and family member.
The German Shepherd Dog participates and excels in a variety of performance activities and sports.

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